With the advent of internet, the concept of networking has started governing our lives like never before. Networking is almost a part and parcel of modern day professionals. Networking might be a good idea however; it has its own share of drawbacks. The major one being the fear of being hacked. Network security is a matter of serious concern. So it is very important to protect your computer from hackers.

The tips by which one can protect one’s computer from hackers are listed below
1. Installation of Anti-Virus Software
This is the very first step to protect your computer against hackers. Install an anti – virus software which has real time scanning. This software will help in detecting the virus even before they can cause damage to the personal computer. The most popular anti-viruses are :
AVG Anti-Virus – This is the most reliable. Some versions of this software are free also
Kaspersky Anti-Virus – Though not free, but it is one of the best
Avast Anti-Virus – Almost equivalent to AVG
2. Install Trusted Software
If you are unaware as to what a piece of software does to the computer, do not install it. Sometimes programs will ask you to fit in other software programs while you are installing the one. Keep this in mind as these might be spywares. It is recommended to install software from reliable sites such as Adobe or Microsoft.
3. Remove Unknown Emails
If you receive emails from random people, do not open them. It’s better to simply delete them. Never open or download attachments from an unknown source. Beware of sites that pretend to be banks auctions or offers you a lottery and asks for your bank account number.
4. Avoid Clicking on Ads
Avoid clicking on ads, especially those claiming that you will win a prize by clicking on it. Try and avoid such interactive and tempting ads as they will end up ruining your computer.
5. Run Virus Scans at Regular Intervals
Always make it a point to run virus scans at least once in a week. It is advisable that you set up an anti-virus schedule while the machine is not in use. This will shield the computer from possible hackers.
6. Computer Attachments
Almost everyone carries a USB flash stick with them these days, ready to attach it into any computer. This way a lot of virus catch up with the device and easily gets transferred to one monitor from another.
7. Avoid Flimsy Websites
Make it a point to avoid flimsy websites because they will surely end up hacking your computer. However, even if you do so, do it in a virtual environment which will not affect your operating system.
8. Set up a Firewall
Setting up a firewall is very important as this prevents hackers from accessing your computer by limiting the number of ports open to the public. Moreover, while buying a wireless router, make sure that it has an inbuilt firewall; otherwise you might call for trouble.
9. Safe Wireless Network
Usually wireless routers do not have any security when you install them. So when you plan to set up a router make sure it is password protected otherwise anyone can connect to your home network and access almost everything.
10. Use a complex password
Generate a password which is a little complicated, which means it should have lower case characters, upper case characters, symbols and numbers.
Nonetheless, at the end of the day, no software will completely protect your computers from hackers. However, following the above tips will help to some extent. Computer security is evolving day by day. Staying informed about latest softwares and updating your computer at a regular basis can help you in keeping hackers at bay.
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