We provide a huge collection of materials for NMMS exam.We always wish all students should this scholarship.We conducted free classes also for this exams. We share question paper and answer keys for thsi exam.We think it may helpful to you for the preparation of yor exams. and also check the answer keys .

The Government Sponsored Scheme “National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMS)” was first launched in May 2008. The scheme was designed to provide financial assistance for those who are economically backward but are exceptionally good at studies. In one of the research done by NSSO the dropout rate was high in secondary school (9th class - 10th class) which is nearly 17% than that of elementary and upper secondary.

So the Indian government had taken an initiative to slow down this trend. students whose parents income is less than 1.5 LPA are eligible for the scholarship to utilize this benefit. The State Bank of India will fork out money directly to their bank accounts.
The amount of scholarship will be 12,000 @ 1000 per month is awarded to selected students every year for study in classes from IX to XII in State Government Schools. There is a quota for scholarships in different states. There will be a separate examination for different states and union territories for the filtering of students for the scholarship award.
One eligibility criterion for this scholarship is the annual income of the students' parents. The parental income of students from all sources must not be more than Rs. 1,50,000/- to be eligible for the scholarship. The scheme would provide reservation for different students based on the state and UT norms as states are having different reservation policy. 
This Scholarship exam is conducted in every state. Scholarships are disbursed by the State Bank of India directly into the bank accounts of students every quarter. The total number of scholarships is limited to particular State/Union territories. The allocation is made by the Central Government.
The students studying in “Kendriya Vidyalaya", “Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas” and Residential Schools run by the State Government Institutions are not entitled to get scholarship under this scheme.

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