Tamilnadu government has given bridge course module and bridge course worksheets to all the students from 2nd standard to 9th standard all subjects in both medium.
Everyday the live telecast for each module for each classes with a pre scheduled program is telecasted on kalvi Tholaikatchi the students are informed about the program schedule and asked to watch that program regularly
Due to covid-19 pandemic disease the schools are closed so the students were unable to go to school and continue their education to fill the gap between their learning this pretty course material definitely help the students to recall their memories and continue their education
In Kalvi TV the videos all telecasted regularly so the students can easily watch from their home so it will help them to be social distancing and also follow the rules under curfew followed by the government
4th English worksheet 17 Answer key pdf
In primary level it is difficult for the students to write the answer keys for the questions given in each workbook so zeal study website provide you the answer Answer key for all the worksheets from 2nd standard to 9th standard in PDF format which will help the students to write it whenever they have time and also with the help of their parents and family members so it is difficult for the parents to identify the answers go they were not educated our team material will definitely help them to overcome their idle and also to answer the questions what ever asked in the worksheets 16 answer key provided by as was prepared by a dedicated teachers team they have prepared it from their home and send to our website so these materials will be e preferred for the sake of the Tamilnadu children so we thank the dedicated teachers team and also there parents for their support and also we asked the children's to utilize this opportunity to answer all the questions thank you

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